Feeding Villages is proud to announce our partnership with Excel Junior School in Nangunga, Uganda. In August 2019, we began serving close to 300 students a nutritionally-balanced lunch each and every school day!
This school lunch program is a lifeline for these students and their parents living in a region plagued by malnutrition and food insecurity.
Based on our interviews with parents, most of the their children attended school with nothing to eat for the entire day.
By providing a daily lunch for each student, we hope to:
- Improve nutrition and overall health
- Improve academic performance
- Improve attendance of students
- Support the local economy by purchasing food near the village
This school lunch program is the result of a close collaboration with school administrators, educators, parents, and our team from Feeding Villages.
School administrators, educators, and parents from Excel Junio School set aside funds each month to contribute to this program. At minimum, they aim is to contribute $400 USD. Feeding Villages then matches their contributions dollar for dollar. The total funds generated go towards purchasing and preparing lunches for these students.
By matching funds, we hope to encourage giving from within the community while demonstrating our enduring commitment to their children’s health and well-being. Feeding Villages will continue to meet periodically with these leaders to ensure the program is addressing the needs for all stakeholders involved.