Hyder Abadin – Feeding Villages https://www.feedingvillages.org Providing food and clean water to people in need. Sat, 06 Mar 2021 03:50:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.feedingvillages.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/5645bec5-87cc-4faa-8786-1df6942d0188.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Hyder Abadin – Feeding Villages https://www.feedingvillages.org 32 32 156757699 Fourth food drop in Kennewick, WA! https://www.feedingvillages.org/fourth-food-drop-in-kennewick-wa/ Sat, 26 Sep 2020 13:12:32 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=964 Our 4th food drop here in Kennewick! Each of the ten families we’ve been providing to the past few months have been so thankful for the extra assistance. This month, we choose to give each family two whole chickens and a ten lb bag of rice. Good eating for the all the families!



To learn more about our work, please visit our site: www.feedingvillages.org

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September is off to a great start! https://www.feedingvillages.org/september-is-off-to-a-great-start/ Tue, 01 Sep 2020 19:41:38 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=952 Our team in Uganda delivered 150 kgs of rice and 150 kgs of Posho to dozens of families in need within the main city of Kampala.Thankfully, the incidence of COVID-19 in Uganda is very low in comparison to other countries. While the country has been successful in taming the spread of the virus, the indirect impact to small businesses and farmers have hit hard.

A recent survey by the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) in Uganda shows that three-quarters of the surveyed businesses have laid off employees. The survey also found that micro and small businesses experienced a larger decline in business activity than medium to large firms.Without work, people can’t earn a wage. And without money, people can’t feed their family. Our monthly food assistance goes a long way for those families who are struggling to get by. However, amidst the struggle and difficulty lie the spirit of the Ugandan people – we continue to witness their strength, resourcefulness, and perseverance in the face of great adversity.

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

#feedingvillages #endhunger #endmalnutrition #feedothers #dogood #humanitarian #uganda 


#feedingvillages #dogood #refugee #feedothers #beaware #helpothers #humanitarian

To learn more about our work, please visit our site: www.feedingvillages.org

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Third Food Drop Made in Kennewick, WA https://www.feedingvillages.org/third-food-drop-made-in-kennewick-wa/ Fri, 28 Aug 2020 02:29:29 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=933 Today marks our third food drop here in Kennewick, WA. Glad we could provide 10 deserving families a variety of foods including potatoes, onions, dates, pasta, pasta sauce, orange juice, honey, salt, bananas, and granola bars. We also provided each family hand sanitizer. The families we help locally are of Somali descent and have their own, unique stories to share. All are refugees.

These families have been forced to flee their country because of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group; a refugee either cannot return home or is afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.

#feedingvillages #dogood #refugee #feedothers #beaware #helpothers #humanitarian

To learn more about our work, please visit our site: www.feedingvillages.org

Make a Tax-deductible Donation Today!


Donor Spotlight-Dr. Raju Rao https://www.feedingvillages.org/donor-spotlight-dr-raju-rao/ Wed, 12 Aug 2020 04:41:27 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=926 Dr. Raju Rao believes in the work that we do with Feeding Villages. He has been supporting our efforts since our inception. His constant encouragement helps to keep our team motivated, and his experience with charitable work in other parts of the world allows us to navigate unforeseeable challenges.

“As a Medical professional I am at the twilight of my career. Having had the luxury of a supportive family with needs met and educational encouragement I learned early on that this is an essential part of an individual’s meaningful existence on this planet. As such it is evident that this is not the case everywhere. Having been provided abundantly then it becomes a responsibility to share with those not so fortunate.When Hyder and Fatima approached me with Feeding Villages we as a family had already been involved in children’s food programs and those for human trafficking. When a young family such as theirs takes on an endeavor of this magnitude and ask for support to me it was not a choice as much as a means to share the abundance with which we have been endowed. Young people such as this conscious couple need the support of like minded individuals.As donors we never feel like we give enough. With Hyder and Fatima with their support staff in Africa, I feel that whatever we give will be used efficiently and appropriately towards their heartfelt project. Water and basic food as well as education is an integral part of a child’s and family’s human right.USA is a country with resources beyond any other place on earth. It attracts those of us looking to build a fulfilling life for our families and subsequent generations. By and large the immigrant experience is a successful one. In order for this planet to survive and thrive it then becomes our duty to afford this opportunity to our brothers and sisters outside our Boundries. That responsibility is part and parcel of having had the privilege to call United States our adopted home.It is with honor and Gratitude that I am able to be part of Feeding Villages due to Hyder and Fatima’s efforts. No doubt their daughters will be part of this legacy.”

Dr. Raju Rao, August 2020

To learn more about our work, please visit our site: www.feedingvillages.org

#feedingvillages #donorspotlight #endmalnutrition #dogood #feedothers #uganda

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Feeding Villages to provide food assistance to Somali refugee community in Kennewick, WA https://www.feedingvillages.org/feeding-villages-to-provide-food-assistance-to-somali-refugee-community-in-kennewick-wa/ Mon, 03 Aug 2020 15:12:41 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=919 It’s official! Feeding Villages successfully performed its first food drop in our local community of Kennewick, WA! We’ve gotten a lot of encouragement to help support the local Somali Refugee population in providing much needed food assistance. For this first drop, we provided 10 families milk, eggs, pasta, potatoes, onions, cooking oil, dates, and fruit snacks for the kids

Our efforts are funded by the generosity of our donors. Please consider donating to our cause! All proceeds go to one of our various food assistance initiatives to help those less fortunate in Uganda 🇺🇬

We went door to door and gave a variety of foods to 10 Somali refugee families in Kennewick, WA.
A young girl receiving her family’s groceries

To learn more about the different initiatives we offer, visit us at www.feedingvillages.org

#feedingvillages #endmalnutrition #dogood #humanitarian #refugee #givefood #US #kennewickwa#

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Continuing our Food Assistance in Kampala, Uganda https://www.feedingvillages.org/continuing-our-food-assistance-in-kampala-uganda/ Sun, 19 Jul 2020 04:28:55 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=909 Covid-19 has posed many challenges for our team on the ground in Uganda. Nonetheless, we work tirelessly to get food to those who need it…while taking precautions ourselves and being safe.

Feeding Villages was able to donate 150 kgs of rice, 900 eggs, and 30 multi-pack soap bars to families in need in Kawempe and Nabweru districts in Kampala, Uganda! We will keep pushing forward and doing what is necessary to provide for those who can’t provide for themselves.

Our efforts are funded by the generosity of our donors. Please consider donating to our cause! All proceeds go to one of our various food assistance initiatives to help those less fortunate in Uganda 🇺🇬

A mother and child who receive a food assistance kit
Eggs and rice are both delicious and nutritious foods.
Babies and toddlers need high quality protein, vitamins, and minerals if they are to grow up strong.
A young boy receiving a food assistance kit on behalf of his family.
Feeding Villages works in some of the most impoverished areas in Kampala, Uganda.

To learn more about the different initiatives we offer, visit us at www.feedingvillages.org

#feedingvillages #endmalnutrition #feedthehungry #humanitarian #dogood #helpothers #kampala #uganda

Make a Tax-deductible Donation Today!


Donor Spotlight-Aly Khan https://www.feedingvillages.org/donor-spotlight-aly-khan/ Thu, 11 Jun 2020 18:21:23 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=901 Aly Khan believes in the mission of Feeding Villages: to improve the access to nutritious food and nutrition education for remote villages in Uganda. We wanted to ask him some questions in our first Donor Spotlight. The following provides a great example of why individuals, like Aly Khan, support our work!

1) Briefly tell me about yourself. Life, profession, and charitable interests.

I am Alykhan – I am a banker by profession and a husband to Salima and father of 2 kids Aakif and Sofiana. Charitably we like to get involved in initiatives that help improve global poverty and education in underprivileged areas of the world.

2) How did you become involved with Feeding Villages?

I became involved with Feeding Villages after seeing the excellent work they have been doing on Facebook – to see the positive impact they are having on the ground I feel privileged to have an opportunity to contribute in small way to such a great initiative. My 6 year old daughter also sees the posts and we regularly share with her the impact being made by our contributions.

3) What excites you the most about being a contributing member of this organization?

Seeing the innovative way Feeding villages is taking to make real impact and contribution on the ground. This makes us see our contribution go to good use without all the administrative costs normally associated with similar charities.

4) Why do you think it’s important for people to know about malnutrition and food insecurity in places outside of the US?

Global poverty is an issue that should be important to all of us regardless of where we are. We can all do our part to help improve the situations in countries where malnutrition is a way of life and food insecurity is normal. Thank you Feeding Village’s Team for all you are doing!

To learn more about our work, please visit our site: www.feedingvillages.org

#feedingvillages #donorspotlight #endmalnutrition #dogood #feedothers #uganda

Make a Tax-deductible Donation Today!


NEW! Food Assistance in Kampala, Uganda Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic https://www.feedingvillages.org/new-food-assistance-in-kampala-uganda/ Wed, 03 Jun 2020 17:55:09 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=869 Amidst the current pandemic, Feeding Villages is working hard to continue to provide food assistance to those most in need.

Both the demand and price of food is HIGH in Kampala, Uganda. With many people out of work, we wanted to help out and do our part. Our team delivered much need food assistance to 30 families in Kawempe and Nabweru districts in Kampala, Uganda! Each family received rice, posho, and bars of soap. We distributed a total of 150kgs of rice, 150 kgs of posho, and 30 packages of soap.

Our efforts are funded by the generosity of our donors. Please consider donating to our cause! All proceeds go to one of our various food assistance initiatives to help those less fortunate in Uganda 🇺🇬

A father and son in Kampala received food assistance from Feeding Villages.
A mother outside of her home in Kampala, Uganda, speaking with a volunteer from Feeding Villages.
A mother with her children receiving food assistance from Feeding Villages.

To learn more about the different initiatives we offer, visit us at www.feedingvillages.org

#feedingvillages #endmalnutrition #feedthehungry #humanitarian #dogood #helpothers #kampala #uganda

Make a Tax-deductible Donation Today!


Another big food drop in Nangunga, Uganda! https://www.feedingvillages.org/another-big-food-drop-in-nangunga-uganda/ Fri, 13 Mar 2020 18:09:35 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=881 Back in Nangunga, Uganda for our monthly food drop! We dropped off over 400 kgs of food this month with help from our volunteers in Uganda. Our contribution will help feed vulnerable groups such as the elderly, pregnant and nursing mothers, and young children!

If you’d like to learn more about our work, visit us at www.feedingvillages.org!

#feedingvillages #endmalnutrition #dogood #humanitarian #nonprofit #feedothers #uganda

A family receiving rice, eggs, beans, and soap.
A mother and two of her young children who regularly receive food assistance from our team.

To learn more about the different initiatives we offer, visit us at www.feedingvillages.org

Make a Tax-deductible Donation Today!


School Lunch Program continues to provide nutritious food for students in Nangunga! https://www.feedingvillages.org/school-lunch-program-continues-to-provide-nutritious-food-for-students-in-nangunga/ Wed, 12 Feb 2020 19:17:41 +0000 https://www.feedingvillages.org/?p=892 This month, we complete another successful food drop at Excel Junior School in Nangunga, Uganda. On this day, we dropped off 393 kilograms of rice, beans, and maize flour! This contribution, in addition to the matched contributions of parents, teachers, and others in the village, will feed around 300 students a hot, satisfying meal each day that will keep them engaged all school day long!!

To learn more about our school lunch program, please visit our site: www.feedingvillages.org

#feedingvillages #endmalnutrition #schoollunch #helpothers #dogood #humanitarian #uganda

Students posing for a photo during a class lecture.
Students from Excel Junior School helping carry in their food to their food storage.

Large sacks of maize flour ready to be delivered to the school!

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